Red Sox Play Devil Against Angels and Bruins Go Down 0-1 vs. the Caps

It’s still the weekend (at least the last time I checked on my frog calendar) so that means I’m still in lazy mode. Just like yesterday, I don’t really feel like writing this.

But I’m trying to convert my lazy mode into something that’s not sleeping until 11 a.m. and playing Rocket League all day. Hopefully, as the summer continues, being “lazy” will only be writing one blog a day instead of two or three.

Not there yet though, so I’m still sludging through the muck like a tortoise in a mudslide. Just gotta move those little feet and hope to come out on the other end. Dirty, but better off for having gone through it.

There certainly wasn’t a lack of material from yesterday to write about; the Red Sox beat the Angels 9-0 and the Bruins opened their postseason with a tough 3-2 loss to the Capitals in overtime.

Starting with the Red Sox, I’m glad to see them back on track after a mini-scuffling earlier in the week. You can expect a few downspurts throughout the season for any major league team, but with it still being early in the campaign, I don’t think anybody is completely convinced that the Red Sox are going to be a force to be reckoned with. Any losing streak begs the question “Are they really for realsies?”

But once again, they have recovered quickly and the answer to the previous question seems to be yes, the Red Sox are for realsies. Even though the Angels have the worst ERA in baseball, scoring seven runs in four innings against Dylan Bundy, their top starter, was impressive.

And even though I can’t fully support the lambasting of a fellow Dylan in this world, it couldn’t have happened in a more beautiful way.

First, Alex Verdugo homered on his birthday. Always great when you do that, but especially when you’ve been squabbling at the plate. Happy Birthday Alex.

Then, in the 4th, Bobby Dalbec added a handsome (anything Dalbec hits is handsome) double off the Monster to drive in two. Franchy Cordero made it 4-0 with his own RBI double moments later.

Then the piece de resistaunce. I would only butcher the masterpiece by trying to describe it, so I will paste the video below and move on to the Bruins.

Ugh. From that to this. Not a fun way to start the Capitals series, with a nailbiting loss in overtime, but it was fun to witness the true return of playoff hockey. I think I’m finally starting to enjoy it for the first time.

Before, it would be fun to hear the crowd reaction to goals and watch close games late in the third period, but I never really felt attached to hockey before. But now that I’ve been watching the Bruins all season and I’m starting to learn the game, every second feels important and crucial.

And there’s nothing more nerve-wracking in sports than an OT hockey playoff game. Any shot could mean your demise. All of a sudden, you put yourself in Tuukka Rask’s shoes (or skates I guess) and think “Hey, if I let one of these shots in, it’s over. We lose. Throwing up your glove a split second too late, being an inch out of position, allowing just a little bit of wiggle room in the five hole, and the other team gets to celebrate.”

I imagine that that nervousness never goes away for a hockey goalie. Every shot, and all eyes are on you to make the save. If you mess up, there’s no one else to blame but you.

But I don’t think the shot Rask let in will be too damaging to his reputation. Nic Dowd got a nice redirection in front, and it slipped through the pants. Oh well. It was only Game 1. Would have been nice to win it, especially with a near-40-year-old backup forced into net for the competition, but now it just makes Game 2 that much more important. It was a close game, you lost, what are you gonna do? Pout about it? No, you were probably the better team, if only by a hair, so just come out the same way tomorrow and make these guys a spaghetti dinner. Then it’s on to Boston, and we’ll go from there.

Alright, signing off for now. A very busy day ahead, with the final day of the NBA season, three NHL playoff Game 1s, and, of course, the Boston Red Sox are out there playing some baseball. I’ll do my best to catch the most important action and get back to you tomorrow. Tood-a-loo.

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