I Hope This Looks Stupid In A Week

Here’s my dilemma. I know that I have to practice my writing and that I have to put in hard work to get what I want. I want to write about sports for a living. I want to talk about sports for a living. In order to do that, I have to be good at it. I have to start practicing now so that my skills are sharpened when it comes time to be a professional. I get all that.

But the problem is motivation. I don’t have a passion problem, I have a motivation problem. There are a million things I could deep dive or share my thoughts about. Like last night I watched the ’85 Bears 30 for 30 and it was awesome. One of the best sports documentaries I’ve ever seen. If I wasn’t a man I would have cried at the Buddy Ryan letter at the end. Mike Singletary was amazing. Mongo was amazing. Everybody hating on Doug Flutie and calling him “The Midget” was weirdly awesome. I could/should write a whole thing about watching it.

But here’s the thing: even when I know that nobody is reading this, I don’t think anybody cares what I have to say. Not even myself. And the other thing is why even bother writing something when nobody is going to read it. Even when I know that putting something up here will be beneficial in the long run, I don’t have any motivation. Things would be a lot easier if we could keep the same level of enthusiasm for things over time. But of course everything wears off. Whenever I promise myself that this is going to be the stretch where I start blogging every day all day, it never happens. But at the same time, that would make me so much better at it. I guess it just comes down to it’s a lot easier to do nothing than to do something.

So I guess this is where I’m stuck at write now. Instead of doing a lot of research on something, I’m left with these mini-journal entires. It also doesn’t help that there is so little going on in the sports world right now. And there isn’t an obvious way to talk about old games, especially by myself.

But I’ll figure something out. I’ll keep on writing something on here everyday, no matter how terrible it is. Maybe one day it won’t feel like a chore and I can look back on how gay I sounded in May of 2020. Hey, doing nothing might be easier, but doing something is better than nothing. So here goes.

Random cheers at the end. Cheers.

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