Did You Know: Kurt Warner Played for the Giants

Bet you thought I forgot. And I did. But there’s still 20 minutes left in the day so there’s still time to get a quick meaningless blog in to keep my daily streak alive (except that one day).

Tonight’s topic: Kurt Warner was once a New York Giant and I never would have guessed it.

The Athletic Q&A: Kurt Warner on his Giants tenure, Eli's ...

But hey there’s the smoking gun right there. No denying it: Kurt Warner in a Giants uniform, with a rookie Eli Manning right behind him, ready to be the Giants quarterback for the next 15 years after Captain Kurt’s cup of coffee. Who could have guessed any of those things happening. But they did.

Warner ended up going to the Giants after a rough last couple years with the Rams. Only started 7 games in his last two seasons there and then only started nine for the Giants in his lone 2004 season. Then he ended up going to the Cardinals for five solid years, ending his career with another Super Bowl appearance. And that’s all the teams Kurt Warner played for. 3 of em.

Here’s a question: Should Kurt Warner be in the Hall of Fame. Really only had three or four HOF worthy seasons. Granted, he did win a Super Bowl and was apart of revolutionizing the passing game with Dick Vermeill. But he didn’t really have a middle age. It was either awesome or injured for most of his career. He was either out on the town all night or stuck in the American Legion lodge playig bridge with the old timers.

So yeah, there’s a little mini-deep dive on Kurt Warner. Hope you enjoyed. God knows I hated it.

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