Opening Statement

Alright this is my first post. First of many if I’m lucky enough.

This is to set up a couple of guidelines.

Guideline #1: Read slow. I don’t have a fast brain. Sometimes I like to pretend I do but my brain is no faster than red paint is red. You have to read this blog slow because it is the only way to get maximum enjoyment out of the words I write. That’s right. I go like a snail and that’s the way it’s going to work. If you want to speed read then go to CNN or somewhere else that isn’t here.

Guideline #2: The content on this site is my decision. I am the managing editor, the executive editor, the reporter, the chief financial officer, I am everything about this site. I am the dictator if you want to call me that. A good kind, though.

Guideline #3: I like sports. Most of write about on here, I think, is going to be about sports. I’m not going to write about something I don’t like. Follow? I do dip my toe into other things as welll, though. TV. Movies. Good literature. But not fashion. No celeb gossip. Nothing gross. If I can help it, nothing negative. That’s what I’ll write about.

That’s all the guidelines I could think of. Could be a Part Two in the works if I feel the need.

Here’s my quick and easy philosophy: I hate people who fabricate. I hate people who drum something up that isn’t there. I hate people who try too much to be funny. None of that fake stuff here. This blog is going to be as dry as dry gets. Sandpaper tongue in the desert. Three day old sponge in the middle of a turkey getting a sun tan. No exclamation points. Nothing fancy. No clickbait. Just my mind, a keyboard, and some words. I want to make people relax and, if all goes well, give them a little chuckle on the way out the door. There will be no long-winded rants. No 3,000-word exposes. No research papers that are going to take me the whole day to write. Just my thoughts on the current events in sports, culture, and anything else that I care about.

I promise that you’ll enjoy. If you don’t, then in the nicest way possible I say: Go play on the highway you cretin.

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